How to Sleep on a Bus: Pro Tips to Fall Asleep Easily

Believe it or not, trying to fall asleep on a bus is very common, especially if you’re a part of a large group traveling across multiple states. Let’s face it, a cramped seat on an airplane or in a car isn’t exactly ideal for catching some Zs. But that doesn’t mean trying to sleep in a charter bus rental is out of the question.
At, we’ve organized thousands of trips across the country and have learned a thing or two about bus travel. We know the struggles associated with sleeping in a moving vehicle, and we’re more than prepared to offer some advice on how to make it easier.

Whether you’re looking for a quick power nap to hold you over between stops or planning to sleep for hours on an overnight drive, a few simple tips and tricks can help make your trip a more comfortable and restful one.

1. Wear Comfy Clothes and Pack a Blanket

This may seem like a “no-brainer” for some, but it’s worth noting. You won’t want to wear restrictive clothing like denim or short skirts that may make it difficult to find a comfortable position while on a long bus ride. Consider wearing comfortable stretchy options like leggings or athletic wear.

For extra coziness, bring a soft blanket to drape over you. Nearly all charter bus rentals come with climate controls, and while passengers are generally able to adjust their personal seat’s airflow, the interior of a bus cabin can get surprisingly cold. A light jacket or hoodie is also a good option if bringing a blanket on board isn’t feasible.

2. Invest in a Travel Pillow and Eye Mask

Using a soft neck pillow for support and an eye mask to block out light will help tremendously when you’re trying to fall asleep on the road. An eye mask can be a valuable travel addition to help you sleep during your trip, especially if you’re riding during the day when the sun is beaming down on you.

You can find affordable travel pillows and eye masks on Amazon or at off-price retailers like TJ Maxx and Marshalls. Also, consider purchasing earplugs to block out any pesky noise from other passengers and traffic. Silicone or foam earplugs are a great option for those looking to sleep on a charter bus.

Or, consider noise-canceling headphones or earbuds to drown out background noise. For those who don’t want to invest in noise-canceling headphones, a regular set of headphones or earbuds with relaxing tunes can help too.

3. Listen to Soothing Sounds

A lot of charter bus models from come equipped with television monitors and DVD players – and plenty of time to play games. These can be great for entertainment on long stretches of road, but the bright lights coming from the TV screens aren’t conducive to a restful sleeping environment.

If you’re looking to snooze on your bus, choose a podcast, audiobook, or relaxing playlist to enjoy with your noise-canceling headphones or earbuds. If audiobooks aren’t your forte, consider bringing along a physical book or reading material. A traditional paperback or hardback book can also help lull you to sleep while helping you avoid the blue lights emitted from electronic devices. You can learn some of our favorite books to read on a bus here!

4. Pick the Best Seat for a Power Nap

Choosing the proper seat and bringing along comfort items are essential to getting some good sleep during a lengthy trip. The back of the bus may seem like the most secluded spot, but it’s often where you’ll feel the most bumps and is also where the onboard bathroom is located. It’s a high-traffic area on long-distance rides.

Choosing a seat toward the middle of the bus is usually a good bet if you’re hoping to sleep during your journey. Most likely, this is where you’ll find the smoothest ride. If you can’t find a seat near the middle of the bus, choosing a seat towards the front is the next best choice. Once you’ve figured out your seat’s location, opt for a window seat for optimal comfort and support.

5. Stay Hydrated and Eat the Right Snacks

Being hydrated is key to a more comfortable journey. But chugging water all day can also lead to frequent restroom breaks. We understand that finding a convenient bathroom on a bus can be a bit of a hassle, so we’d recommend drinking water in moderation while planning your snacking schedule around the time of your bus’s rest stops.

Bus companies can stop at a rest area or gas station every few hours to allow passengers to stretch and grab a snack. Avoid caffeinated drinks, as these are known to negatively affect sleep. Instead, we recommend bringing a reusable water bottle filled with your beverage of choice and a few non-perishable snacks like nuts, crackers, or granola bars to keep you satisfied between stops.

If your bus doesn’t include an onboard restroom, packing light road trip snacks for the ride can save you from overdoing it. It’s always a good idea to pack a few small and easily-portable snacks like granola bars and dried fruit in your carry-on or purse in case there’s a delay between stops.

If you’re not sure what to pack on your charter bus trip, then just read our guide here!

6. Plan a Trial Run

Are you a seasoned traveler but want to improve your bus-sleeping abilities? A road trip trial run in your own hometown can be a great way to test if your comfort and sleeping methods are effective before your actual trip!

This can be as simple as taking a ride on a city bus, taking an afternoon nap in a recliner that simulates a bus seat, or going on a short road trip with your family. Once your group’s big trip rolls around, you’ll be able to get a more restful sleep and arrive feeling more refreshed.

7. Talk To Your Doctor About Sleep Aids

A simple, over-the-counter sleep aid can be a good solution to help you get a solid night of sleep on your charter bus rental. Over-the-counter sleep aids like Zzzquil and Dream Water are popular among overnight travelers, as are melatonin supplements. These OTC sleep aids could also be beneficial for keeping you on a regular sleep cycle while adjusting to a new time zone after a long-distance trip.

If you’re worried about motion sickness, Dramamine can induce drowsiness soon after taking it. Remember, these options aren’t for everyone. Consult with your healthcare provider before taking any over-the-counter sleep aids or supplements to be sure they are safe for you.

Now You’re Ready To Sleep Like a Pro

Don’t wait to book group transportation for your next trip! is here to assist you around the clock with the best bus rentals throughout the country. Whether it’s a private trip from Atlanta to Nashville or a student group excursion to Washington, D.C., our nationwide team of transportation specialists is prepared to get you there. Book a comfortable charter bus rental or minibus rental today by giving us a call at 877-563-2133!